Electronic Data Access (EDA) - CLIN LOA Delivery SYN Report


Reference Guide

EDA Roles

EDA Roles with the capability to view an EDA CLIN LOA DELIVERY SYN DISA GF report

  • Advanced Reporting
  • Acquisition Sensitive Reporting
  • EDA Executive User

Kibana Reports are accessed from the EDA application.

Log in to PIEE as one of the users above. Navigate to the EDA link on the PIEE homepage.

The image provides a preview of the EDA CLIN LOA DELIVERY SYN DISA GF Date Fields Overview.

From the EDA homepage, navigate to the EDA dashboard to the Analytics Section and select Kibana Reports from the Reports dropdown menu.

The image provides a preview of the EDA CLIN LOA DELIVERY SYN DISA GF Date Fields Overview.

Select the EDA CLIN LOA Delivery Data for Synopsis link in the Kibana Reports menu.

The image provides a preview of the EDA CLIN LOA DELIVERY SYN DISA GF Fields Overview.

Generate EDA CLIN LOA Delivery Syn DISA GF Report

The Kibana application will open. Select the EDA CLIN LOA DELIVERY SYN DISA GF link from the Dashboard menu.

The image provides a preview of the EDA CLIN LOA DELIVERY SYN DISA GF Date Fields Overview.

The user may view and filter the report data.

The image provides a preview of the EDA CLIN LOA DELIVERY SYN DISA GF Date Fields Overview.

Please refer to the Kibana Search Guide (PDF) for additional information.